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发布时间:2017-09-01 02:32:30 所属栏目:创业 来源:真格基金
导读:副标题#e# 知道我为什么成功了吗? 来源| 真格基金(ID:zhenfund) 作者 |徐小平 成功的秘诀是什么?勤奋,坚毅,聪颖,好运气……可能都是必备要素之一。但 40 岁才见事业起步的徐小平老师有自己的成功秘诀。 30 年前,他来到加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学,获得全额

I am happy to be called a success today – and frankly, still a bit relieved. It was a close call. But I do not measure success in rankings of wealth. I do not measure it in the things I can buy. I measure success, not just in overcoming one’s own adversity, but in helping others overcome theirs. My favorite line in the musical Les Miserables is from the Bishop: “Though our lives are very humble. What we have, we have to share.” I don’t recall if my friend Dr. David Kaplan ever heard those words, but he certainly lived them. And mine is just one life that he, and this university, changed for the better.



In business, in law, in any work we do, all of the same things are true about succeeding. First jobs – maybe even second or third ones – are not always dream jobs. Yet there is one opportunity that we never have to wait on – that is the chance to give our best, to give without holding back, and to give more than what is asked. We can do that in every position, high or low. We can do that in every circumstance. Every day, at every turn, we are needed; there are good things that only we can do. That’s how we show who we are, and find success along the way. There is great wisdom in the saying: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.


For each one of you graduating here today, I wish a great career and a happy life.  And I hope that you will always share the feeling I have toward this university: respect, affection, and gratitude for all it has given to us. The kindness and generosity I received here long ago still touches me. May these years of learning leave a gracious mark on you as well. 

2017 届的同学们,我祝你们好运连连,幸福满满!

Classof 2017, I wish you good luck and great happiness.


Thank you very much.




别看徐老师操着一口泰兴英语,发音不甚精准,但是他对于文字的那股较真儿的劲,只能用“偏执狂”来形容。他不仅仅对英文演讲原稿锱铢必较,就连中文翻译都亲自打磨出了 7 个不同版本。

比如,对于演讲中的点睛之笔 “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”,他就尝试了4 种翻译:









